Covid-19 Update

Be advised starting March 19, the Union Hall will be closed to the general public.

The hall and your representatives will still be available to assist members as we mitigate through this unprecedented time. To slow the spread of the Covid-19 virus please take note of the following:

COVID Agreement between IBEW and NECA

TO: All NECA Chapters and IBEW U.S. Local Union Business Managers

FROM: IBEW International President Lonnie R. Stephenson

                NECA CEO David Long

SUBJECT: National Disease Emergency Response Agreement (NDERA)

DATE: March 16, 2020

Filing for Unemployment

IMPORTANT: If you become unemployed due to coronavirus (COVID-19), you should file for unemployment benefits. Eligibility will be determined on a case-by-case basis. We are processing claims as quickly as possible and appreciate your patience during this difficult time.

For faster claims processing:

Building a Stronger IBEW

Feature Image: 

The first page of the IBEW Constitution begins with a declaration:

"Our cause is the cause of human justice, human rights, human security."

It’s a powerful statement of the values that IBEW leaders and members pledge to uphold when they take the oath of membership. And combined with the union’s first objective, to organize all workers in the entire electrical industry in the United States and Canada, the message is unmistakable.

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